Peanut jaggery Syrup Ladoo Recipe


As we all know that peanut offer a variety of dishes. Peanut jaggery syrup(gudh chasni) ladoo is my childhood favorite dish. We can make peanut ladoo in different ways. I used peanut powder and jaggery powder in peanut ladoo recipe which is soft and today i am using semi grinded peanut and Jaggery syrup which is crunchy.
Here I am sharing easy and yummy peanut jaggery syrup ladoo recipe with you.



1 cup peanuts(moongfali dana).
½ cup jaggery(gudh).
1 tsp butter(ghee).
1 tbsp water.

How to cook Peanut jaggery Syrup Ladoo Recipe

1. Take peanuts in a pan and dry roast it on medium flame.
2. When it completely roasted then allow to cool and remove their skin.
3. Now take in a grinder and semi grind it,keep aside.
4. Now take a heavy based pan and heat on medium flame.
5. Now add jaggery and 1 tbsp of water and allow to boil, stir continuously on low flame.
6. Take a small drop of jaggery syrup(chasni) and put it into cold water, if ball is made of it then syrup is ready.
7. Now add semi grinded peanuts and mix well.
8. When it is slightly warm then roll into small size of balls by greasing your hand with butter(ghee) .
9. Now sereve the yummy Peanuts Jaggery Syrup Ladoo .