Til Ladoo Recipe


Til ladoo or tilkut or sesame ladoo or til chikki is a traditional dessert which is an important part of on Lohri and Makar Sakranti.

On this day we give til ladoos to our friends and relatives and say
“tilgul ghya goad goad bola“ in maharashtra that means “Take sweet and Talk sweet”.

Til ladoos are not only yummy and delicious but also a healthy sweets for children, They loves so much.

I made with til(sesame), jaggery, peanuts and cardamom powder. Til and peanuts gives a nutty flavor.

Today My Daawat is sharing an easy Til Ladoo Recipe with step by step pictures which help you making ladoos more easily.



1 cup white sesame seeds(til).
2 tbsp roasted peanuts (moongfali dana).
1/2 cup jaggery.
1/2 tsp cardamom powder(ilaychi powder).

How to cook Til Ladoo Recipe

1. Firstly roast the sesame seeds on medium flame till golden brown or start popping.


2. Now take jaggery in a bowl with 2 tbsp of water and melt them.


3. Now strain the melted jaggery water in a heavy based pan.


4. Now Heat on medium flame and make jaggery syrup.


5. Now add a little drop of syrup in a cup of water.
6. If the drop of jaggery syrup is sit, It means syrup is done.

7. Now mix the roasted sesame seeds or til and semi grounded peanuts in a plate.


8. Now add til-peanuts and cardamom powder in a jaggery syrup. Mix well and off the flame.


9. When it is slightly warm then roll into small size of balls by greasing your hand with ghee.
10. Now sereve the yummy and crispy Til Ladoo ladoo.



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